Sunday, April 27, 2014

No Writing

I have been failing as of late. I have not written in anything at all for the last.. almost two weeks now. I got a job - a pretty good job - and find that it's strange getting used to that huge chunk of my day being called for and not really available for writing. 

My current list of terrible excuses that run just short of "the dog ate my homework":

1) New job to get used to

2) training for the LA Marathon next year

3) Training for a half marathon this year

4) I'm just plain tired these days!

All of these are terrible, and not good enough for me to not be writing. I'm more than a lot disappointed in myself too, because i had found two great contests to submit to, and I now have nothing that I can really hand in to them. They were based out of the UK, and while in this era of globalization and the internet that should not be that cool ... it is SUPER cool to me, and I failed at it.

Now it is time to buckle down and do what I need to do. I am a writer... 


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Writing and Moving

I move... A LOT. to do that and continue to write every single day is a bit of a challenge. Admittedly, I did miss one day of writing. I missed it because I had just finished a 16 hour drive and unpacking all of my stuff into a garage. Though thinking about it now, I wonder what might have come out of me at that point.

Getting back into an effortless routine has been tough. I have my attention more on settling into my new/old life here and getting a job for at least the summer. But that is part of the deal. To be successful at this I have to continue to do it even when I have so many other things that I could be doing at the time.

Plus I LOVE IT!!!